Week Two Reflection//Notes – Kelsey Dean 


Over our second class, we learned about copyright (definition, examples, laws, etc), as well as open education resources (OER)



  • Applies to all that is created 
  • Assumed automatically//immediately
  • Fair dealing allows for partial use of copyrighted works, with restrictions
  • Laws prevent many possibilities in regards to digital media and the internet.


It’s important to give credit to those that you borrow from, especially open education resources. Most are doing it for the purpose of broadening knowledge of all people.

This should include

  • Author 
  • Title 
  • Source
  • URL (to source and license)


Open Education Resources:

Meaning that there are resources that allow for education materials to be shared, discovered, distributed, etc. 


This should include

  • Open society 
  • Open educational resources 
  • Open source software
  • Open data
  • Open science 
  • Open access to research


Structure of Open Education Resources:

  • Educational curriculum and materials
  • Available and discoverable online 
  • Openly licensed 
  • Can be legally used by all.


(online does not equal licensed)



After attending my second EdTech lecture, I feel much more confident with the laws of copyrighting. Having this knowledge is crucial as an educator because you are responsible for ensuring that all students follow the guideline safely and accurately. This means that all students should be aware as well of the risks of copyrighting and//or plagiarizing other people’s work. As students make their way through their education, they will understand more and more of the consequences of stealing others’ written work, online or in the classroom. It is often that schools implicate a zero tolerance to misuse of copyright protected works. Because of the involvement of students in research projects, Open Education Resources are provided online for all students to access that allows for them to learn legally and openly on protected websites. As a teacher, these resources are critical to learning as many texts are not available or affordable for all students. This allows for an equal learning experience for all students in the classroom, which allows for students to gain confidence and feel confident working with others.