This week we talked about learning online; how it can be difficult, and how we can succeed. Being in school during a global pandemic has had its affects on our education, good and bad. With most classes still synchronous, we are able to learn together as a class online. Even though we have sites such as Zoom to keep us connected in our studies, most of the responsibility has fallen on us to ensure that we are succeeding in our courses. There are pros and cons to both synchronous and asynchronous learning online; we are able to stay connected at any time of the day, easily reach out to our professors and peers, but it means a decrease in face to face lesson which is needed for many of us students to do well in our studies. Everyone learns in different ways, which means that online learning can be really beneficial for many students. We are able to have access to our schooling at home, through social media and technology. Although it can be hard to stay focussed and concentrate when we are living in our learning environment. We are now experiencing side affects from learning online; we are becoming less active and unhealthy, our mental health is becoming harder to deal with, and many are experiencing “Zoom Fatigue” from being online for many hours a day, for many weeks. I think that although it is hard to learn online, we can now see that technology is more important to integrate into our curriculum more than ever. We need to understand that what we are experiencing right now is becoming our new normal in school, so by teaching students how to learn online, prepares us to adapt to changing times. Overall, I think that online learning has had its affects on us as learners and educators, but it is a wake up call that we need to learn to adapt and adjust accordingly to our changing world.