This week I organized everything I need to start recording and playing through my first piece. I went through, as I had talked about in my previous blog post, and wrote out all the chords above each line of sheet music. I find that this helps me understand the chords and patterns more thoroughly, almost similar to annotating a poem, I go through and highlight all the key signatures, dynamics, etc. and figure out how the song can be played. I also started exploring iMovie and getting more comfortable with the software so that I could piece together all the clips of me playing the sections of the song. I struggle a bit misreading chords, only because I am rushing through it. I think that when I come back and do this again for my final song, I will take some more time to prepare the sheet music so that I can go through slowly and not miss any key chords or techniques.

Week Three Goals:


  • Learn “B” chords:  B, Bm, B7, B+, B0.
  • Test myself on new chords learned this week
  • Continue progress on song – “Tiny Dancer”