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Ed Tech Inquiry – Source One

Source One: 

“How Too Much Screen Time Can Hurt Kids and Their Families”


    • “[Today’s children] can’t imagine a world without smartphones, tablets, and the internet”.
    • Today’s generation of parents are the first to have to figure out how to limit screen time for their children.
    • Screen time can be harmful 
    • Digital Detox (leads into source two).
    • It is recommended that parents have a limit on their children’s screen time.
    • In 2010, there was a study that averaged that children from the ages 3 to 18, average seven and a half hours of screen time. 
    • Affects the whole family – adults struggle to manage their screen time as well.
    • It is suggested that you create household rules revolving around screen time. 
      • Eg. No phones at the dinner table, no screen time while you’re in the car, etc.
    • Harmful to family relationships:
      • One in three children feel unimportant when their parents are focused on their phones.
      • “Even replying to a quick text message could be sending your child another message—that your phone is more important than he is.”
      • This could lead to a more likely chance that the child will develop mental health issues in the future, including depression. 
    • Negative effects:
      • Behavioral problems: likely to lead to social, emotional, and attention problems. 
      • Education problems: decrease in successful academic testing. 
      • Obesity: engage in activities that don’t require you to get up and move.
      • Sleep problems: the light emitted can lead to insomnia.
      • Violence: exposure to violence can lead to desensitization.



  1. https://www.verywellfamily.com/the-negative-effects-of-too-much-screen-time-1094877

Morin, Amy. “How Too Much Screen Time Can Hurt Kids and Their Families”.Verywell Family. Lockhart, Ann-Louise T. September 17, 2020.


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