Source Two: 

“How a Digital Detox Could Improve Your Child’s Behavior Problems”


  • Recommended for families who have a difficult time breaking habits in regards to technology.
  • Can increase social and emotional issues, basically reversing the effects of screen time.
  • Unplugging from your devices for short periods of time, on a short term basis.
  • With a constant change in technology, you can see how children respond to screen time and technology. 
  • Everything is portable and can be taken everywhere.
  • Face to face time is important in the development of children’s social skills, and can help with learning non verbal cues.
  • Replace screen time with outdoor time.
  • “Glued to their screens”
  • Running releases their energy.
  •  When they exercise better and more frequently it can improve their sleep.
  • Strategies:
    • A week long break.
    • Electronics free weekend.
    • A monthly digital free day.
  • Signs you should consider a digital detox:
    • Children are becoming reliant on their technology, for entertainment.
    • There is now a power struggle between the parent and the technology.
    • Bad habits are being formed from technology eg. checking your phone constantly. 



Morin, Amy. “How a Digital Detox Could Improve Your Child’s Behavior Problems”. Verywell Family. Forman, Joe. April 22, 2020.